Every emotion carries wisdom and is meant to be felt and freed, not fixed or solved. This means learning to love all parts of ourselves — not just the pretty, presentable ones, but the messy, complicated ones too. Only then can we heal the false belief that something about us is wrong or broken.

I’m here to offer you the space and permission to fully experience your humanness without dismissing, denying, or diminishing any of it. Together, we’ll replace self-criticism with curiosity and compassion, so you can meet yourself as you are and call back the parts of yourself you’ve lost along the way.

what i believe

What we all really need is a greater capacity to FEEL EVERYTHING.

What clients are saying …


Foundations for Emotional Health is a 5 week course on building a healthier relationship to your emotions based on 5 core pillars of emotional health.



1:1 Coaching Immersive

For deep, individualized support in connecting to your inner child and healing your wounds once and for all

Foundations for Emotional Health

For building a healthier relationship to your emotions and using them as wise guides on your life path

Workshop Library

For the curious mind + self-doer looking for practical tools and frameworks to support them on their healing journey


Don’t know where to start? Look no further! This 5 day inner child challenge will give you the tools, frameworks, and exercises you need to establish connection with your inner child and begin examining your core beliefs and wounds.


  • “At a time when I was struggling with incredible personal loss, feeling broken and directionless, I found the courage to ask for help and was referred to Tallia. On a healing path herself, Tallia’s mindful approach to inner child work resonated with me, and I made the commitment to understand generational patterns and reframe how my upbringing shaped my sense of self-worth. Tallia created a safe space for me to be vulnerable and share without judgment as I processed, questioned, and released limiting beliefs. Through this journey of self-discovery, I've learned how to treat myself with compassion, trust my intuition, honor my boundaries, and embrace my life with curiosity, self-respect and inner peace."


  • "Over the years, Tallia and I have worked together so that I could continue to "peel back" the layers of myself and get to the true "me". In conjunction with regular therapy, this process included healing my inner child, identifying my core values, and communicating with parts of myself that desperately needed to be heard. Tallia's coaching has led me to some profound self-discoveries and a sense of healing that no other experience has given me. The care, expertise, and understanding that Tallia gives her clients is unmatched. Her own dedication to this practice makes it feel like a welcomed journey of self-exploration, not "the work" we so commonly hear about. Every day I take these lessons with me and I am so thankful for Tallia's contribution to my growth."


  • “Tallia's coaching is a gentle, easy, tender kind of powerful. While I had done other types of coaching, they all primarily addressed the outer layer - or the symptoms - of my blocks. Tallia gently nudged me to go inward, little by little, to uncover my roots and understand what makes who I am. She guided me towards my inner child at the very moments my core beliefs were formed and was able to connect the dots to how those same beliefs show up in my life today as I navigate relationships, a career, family, and finances. Today, I live with an ease and calmness I never thought was possible thanks to our work together. Tallia is a guiding light of empowerment and enlightenment for self-discovery. Finding her was like finding a rare gemstone. I can't recommend working with her enough.”


  • ”Before working with Tallia, I was feeling unexplainable sadness, loneliness and disconnect deep within. I tried therapy but felt I needed something more. Once I started working with Tallia, I could finally understand what I was feeling and why with her help and guidance. She taught me how to tend to myself without pushing down or ignoring my emotions. My inner child wanted to know that I see her, hear her, and understand her so she could trust me to care for her. All my life, I was convinced that I would never be okay, because that’s how I always felt. To say I now feel more connected with myself than ever is the biggest gift I could have received in this life. I finally feel safe and okay in this world.”


  • "I came to Tallia when I was looking for deep healing and guidance on my life path. Through our work together, she helped me overcome some of the biggest challenges I’ve faced for years and navigate a huge change on my life path. She has an incredible ability to absorb, comprehend, and untangle complex thoughts and feelings in a way that is wise, kind, and nonjudgmental. She’s been enormously impactful in my growth and has made the impossible seem possible. The inner child work has accelerated my healing and shifted my perspective towards myself, my thoughts, and my emotions. If you are looking for a transformational, trailblazing life coach to help you take your life, your goals, your path, and your healing to the next level, Tallia is the one. She’s such a gift to anyone who gets to work with her.”


  • “Tallia turned my life upside down in the best way possible, and for the first time, I know I am healing. I spent decades trying to make sense of my childhood. I rationalized and categorized, but I still had crippling moments of spiraling despair. I now realize that 2023 me doesn’t need to make sense of it - she needs to give her inner child a loving embrace. Thinking about the impact that Tallia has and continues to have on me brings me to literal tears, every time. My first call with Tallia changed my life. I can never go back and I never want to. I see myself, past and present, more tenderly than I thought was possible. I am finally able to self-love and heal. She has been such a loving guide on this journey, holding me in such a safe, loving space so that I could finally put down my defenses and heal my inner child.”


  • "Tallia guided me through a process that finally allowed me to release feelings that were blocking my personal growth. Through her gentle and expert guidance, I was able to learn how to move through and process feelings one at a time rather than feeling overwhelmed by my feelings all at once. This process really clicked in my brain, and it was so much easier to move through my healing, gently observing each feeling and releasing them in love. Tallia is an expert in her field, professional yet incredibly compassionate and kind. I walked away from our work with such a newfound peace in knowing that I have the tools now to navigate life as it comes."



Meet Your Guide

Tallia Deljou is a life coach guiding people into the next chapter of their lives with greater self-awareness and self-compassion. With a focus on healing inner child wounds, she teaches foundational skills for long-term emotional health and connection to self.



Life just got easier.

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